My Best Friend’s 25th Birthday Getaway Trip To The Dominican Republic (Punta Cana)

This trip came right on time!  Sometimes you just have to go and don’t question it.  We stayed at the Royalton Resort in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic and let me tell you; this resort was beautiful!  The views were breathtaking.  The water was so tealish blue!!  The employees were so nice and welcoming! OMG the food was AH-MAZ-ING!  This was an all inclusive trip which means it included airfare, your stay at the resort, and most importantly FOOD & DRINKS!  They have plenty other nice resorts in Punta Cana but the Royalton is fabulous!  If you’re ever looking into vacationing in the Dominican Republic or anywhere else, make sure you do all inclusive!  All you really have to worry about are excursions and souvenirs.  ALSO PARTYING! I’m very blessed that I got to experience this trip!  Most importantly I’m glad that everyone enjoyed themselves; especially my best friend!  Here are 8 helpful hacks for you to know before or during your trip:

  1.  If you’re going to order clothes online for your vacation, make sure that it’s not INTERNATIONAL – I ordered some bathing suits and clothes thinking it was going to get here on time and IT DIDN’T.  There are nice clothes out of the USA so if you plan on shopping internationally, make sure you do it at least a month in advance!
  2. Pack lots and lots of clothes! – You never know what you might do as far as, going to the beach, excursions, hanging around your resort, clubbing, etc!  I might have changed about 3 or 4 times a day and still had a lot of clothes leftover when I left.  Always be prepared!  Most importantly, pack a lot of underwear!
  3. Long lasting SUNBLOCK – The sunblock we had lasted 80 mins.  That seems like a long time but it’s not!  After you sweat it off the less it might do for your skin.  Make sure you find a sunblock that can last at least a whole day or once you’re out there keep applying it on your skin.  My sunburns are REAL!
  4. Take a CAMERA – Oh how I wish I had a digital camera for this trip!  The scenery, ocean, EVERYTHING was worth taking pictures of.  You can’t rely on your iPhone to capture every moment!  Especially long lasting photos of yourself!
  5. Get your souvenirs EARLY! – Don’t wait until the last minute to get things for your family/friends because if you wait, you’ll just pick up anything!  Put some thought into the gifts you get people!  Even the stuff that you want for yourself.
  6. PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN! – This goes without saying!  Enjoy the moment!  Don’t worry about what’s going on at home!  Some don’t get the chance to go away so I encourage you to leave your phone in your room and soak everything in!
  7. Take advantage of the ALL INCLUSIVE! – Try EVERYTHING!! Drinks, buffets, restaurants, EVERYTHING!!!  It’s all there for a reason!
  8. Get some Rest! – I know we may feel like we’re missing out on things we could be doing but the resort isn’t going anywhere!!  After a long day at the beach or excursions, take a nice shower and take a nap!  There’s nothing wrong with that!  You don’t want to be tired for your next adventure!




Black girl out,


Shanella B

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